Hermes Discord Bot Logo

Hermes Discord Bot


Invite Hermes Bot to your server and explore its AI driven commands, including Memes, Alarms, 8ball, Custom Dice & Fortune Cookies! Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in May

Hermes Discord Bot Described:

An AI driven bot that you can literally talk you with memes, alarms, 8ball, custom dice, fortune cookies and much more!
Hermes is an AI driven bot with a ton of cool features just waiting to be unlocked!
  • added the joke, pun and insult to spice up all the conversation in your server

  • added an easy to use calculation command

  • added an automatic welcome channel (-setup)

  • fixed bug fixes

After adding Hermes to your server:
  1. Run the -setup command to let Hermes handle all the complicated role making
  2. Run the -help command to see all the commands you have at your disposal

And thats it!
Its that easy to use and have fun with Hermes.

Using Hermes AI feature

Hermes your question

All commands

-help - displays a list of all the commands

-vote - Vote for the bot here

-invite - Easily get the invite link to add it to your servers

-setup - generates the roles needed for the mod commands

-ban - use the almighty banhammer

-kick - kicks the user you mention

-mute - mutes the user you mention

-unmute - unmutes the user you mention

-ping - check the bot’s latency

-purge - purges the amount of commands you want

-8ball - Ask 8ball any question you want

-alarm - Allows you to set an alarm, ON DISCORD!

-avatar - Show off your avatar or check out others with this command

-fortune- Test your luck and open a mystic fortune cookie

-meme - Fetch a random meme from reddit (always good to have your daily dosage)

-roll - roll a dice based on how many sides you want

-joke - Generate a Random Joke

-pun - Generate a Random Pun

-dad - Generate a Random dad joke

-insult - Generate a weird and random insult

Command Usage

-ban - -ban @mention

-kick - -kick @mention

-mute - -mute @mention

-unmute - -unmute @mention

-ping - -ping

-purge - -purge *number of messages*

-8ball - -8ball *Your question*

-alarm - -alarm *time in number* *unit of time (h, m, s)* *reminder message*

-avatar - -avatar <== shows your own avatar -avatar @mention <== shows mentioned user’s avatar

-fortune- -fortune

-meme - -meme

-roll - -roll *number of sides*

-joke - -joke

-pun - -pun

-dad - -dad

-insult - -insult

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Hermes Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Hermes to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Hermes Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: -
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: PerryPal#2601
Short link: